Keumku Sou
SCSW Keumku Sou is known to the Van Nuys DCFS office as someone who goes above the call of duty. He exemplifies leadership, teaming, and actively engages the Core Practice…
Read The Full Story »Child abuse, in all its forms, has a lasting and negative effect on children, families and their community. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, or know of a family that may need additional support or access to resources, please contact DCFS immediately. The Hotline is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Mandated Reporting Regional Offices
If you are having trouble finding the information you are looking for, review our Frequently Asked Questions for more resources, including identifying signs of abuse, as well as information for parents, youth, and prospective and current foster parents. You can also email us using the form below.
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