DCFS Adoption

It is important to remember that DCFS’s goal is the reunification of the family unit, which studies have shown is often the best outcome for the child’s development and well-being. In most cases, children who are removed from their homes are able to reunite with their parents once stability is restored in their home.

However, there are many situations when adoption is not only possible, but necessary. In times like these, we need resource parents like you to provide a permanent, safe home for a child.

A foster child doesn’t stop having needs simply as the result of leaving foster care via adoption. As such, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance through the Adoption Assistance Program to facilitate providing for the needs of the child after the adoption.


Ready to get started? Start your online application now or call (888) 811-1121 for more information.

Get Started

Independent Adoption

An “independent adoption” is an adoption in which the birth parent selects the family for the child and places the child directly with the selected family. The act of selection by the birth parent is based on the personal knowledge of the birth parent regarding the prospective adoptive family.

Independent Adoption


Step-Parent Adoption

A step-parent adoption is one in which a step-parent files a petition with the court to adopt his/her stepchild while the spouse/birth parent retains his or her custody and control of the child.

Step Parent Adoption


Post-Adoption Services and Reunions

Adoption is a life-long process and as such, the needs of children and their families do not end when an adoption is finalized. The DCFS Resource Family Support and Permanency Division created a specialized unit to provide services and support to adoption triad members (adoptive parent, adoptee, birth parent) after adoption finalization occurs.

Post-Adoption Services

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Child Protection Hotline

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Toll Free within California

(800) 540-4000

Outside of California

(213) 639-4500

TDD - Hearing Imparied

(800) 272-6699