Keumku Sou
SCSW Keumku Sou is known to the Van Nuys DCFS office as someone who goes above the call of duty. He exemplifies leadership, teaming, and actively engages the Core Practice…
Read The Full Story »The media relations team strives to build positive working relationships with news reporters.
Understanding the vital role that news media play in keeping the community informed and holding government agencies accountable, we diligently work to provide timely, accurate and complete information.
Our role is to promote accurate, objective and balanced reporting on families navigating sensitive issues, a deeply devoted workforce and an evolving system of care. The world of child welfare is complex and nuanced, and we are here to help media access information and better understand the challenges and rewards inherent to this field.
News media members may email or contact:
Shiara Davila-Morales Communications Manager (626) 695-3244 |
Laura Coleman Senior Public Information Specialist (213) 518-0834 |
Members of the public may email
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday
After hours or weekend news queries may be directed to Communications Manager Shiara Davila-Morales at or (626) 695-3244.
Click here for the directors bio.
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During business hours, reporters may email
For urgent requests, after business hours and on weekends, reporters may text, email or call:
Shiara Davila-Morales, Communications Manager
(626) 695-3244
Amara Suarez, Assistant Communications Manager
(213) 608-5689
DCFS posts statistical information on all deaths reported to its Child Protection Hotline to its website under the Resources tab. The data is updated bi-annually and is categorized as follows:
View the data here.
As of 2008, Senate Bill 39 mandates child welfare agencies to disclose limited information when there is reasonable suspicion that a fatality was caused by abuse or neglect and when a child death is determined to be the result of abuse and/or neglect. (WIC §10850.4)
To submit an SB 39 request, email and include a date of death and description of the incident.
Please note responses are provided consistent with statutory timelines and may not coincide with news outlet deadlines.
Requests that go beyond what is permitted to be released under WIC §10850.4, may be made by petitioning the juvenile court for additional information that may exist pursuant to WIC 827.
For instructions on requesting court records from the Juvenile Court, visit the Los Angeles County Superior Court website.
In general, journalists must obtain a court order from the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court prior to contacting a child to be interviewed, photographed, videotaped, or voice recorded, this includes children who they know, or have reason to know, are under juvenile court jurisdiction and have been removed from the physical custody of the parent or legal guardian. Additionally, confidential information about the child’s case or dependency status may not be disclosed as a result.
The media relations team may facilitate interviews with youth in foster care under the age of 18 and their parents, only after the Juvenile Court has issued an order granting the journalist/media outlet permission to conduct the interview.
Visit the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s website or email,for information on how to submit a petition with the Juvenile Court.
Without a Juvenile Court order granting permission for underage youth or parents to be interviewed, photographed, voice recorded or filmed, the media relations team is only able to arrange interviews with young people in foster care who are 18 and older.
The media relations team may arrange interviews with DCFS staff provided those interviews do not disclose confidential case information.
Pursuant to state law, the public is not permitted to attend juvenile court proceedings unless the Superior Court grants access.
The only persons legally entitled to attend juvenile court proceedings are:
State law allows a member of the public to be present, with court approval, if requested by a parent or guardian, provided the child consents to that person’s presence; if the request is made by the child; or if the juvenile court judge deems the person to have a direct and legitimate interest in the particular case or the work of the court.
Yes, with a court order from the Juvenile Court granting the journalist access, the media relations team may be able to arrange a ride-along. Please note that this process may take a minimum of eight weeks from the time of submission to receipt of the court’s response.
Visit the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s website or email,for information on how to submit a petition with the Juvenile Court.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Toll Free within California
(800) 540-4000Outside of California
(213) 639-4500TDD - Hearing Imparied
(800) 272-6699