Antelope Valley Press: Letter to the Editor

Originally Published: February 12, 2020

Dear AV Press Editor,

As the Director of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), I share many of the same concerns expressed in the opinion piece “The kids aren’t alright.”

Over the last several months, DCFS has worked to establish a Continuous Quality Improvement Division to conduct additional case reviews to improve service delivery and support the department’s quality improvement efforts. In addition, we have also appointed a new Deputy Director to provide administrative oversight for the Palmdale and Lancaster Regional Offices and forge new community partnerships to support children and families in the Antelope Valley.

Because we believe our communities deserve highly skilled and trained staff, DCFS has reduced Antelope Valley social work caseloads by hiring additional staff, implemented bonuses to support recruitment and retention efforts, engaged nearby colleges to recruit local talent, and provided local staff trainings to reduce travel times. With the launch of Invest LA – the DCFS strategic framework to promote system improvements in safety, permanency, and well-being for children, we are now focused on three investment areas: Strengthening Children, Youth and Families, Workforce Excellence, and Community and Cross-Sector Partnership.

Read full LTE

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