Foster care is a protective service for families. Foster care usually means families helping families. Children who have been physically abused, sexually abused, neglected or emotionally maltreated are given a family life experience in an agency-approved, certified or licensed home for a planned, temporary period of time. The primary goal of foster care is to reunite children with their families. Resource Parents are often in a position to help children and their families reunify. Resource Parents are also often in a position to emotionally support parents who cannot do the job of parenting and must make a plan for adoption or another permanent plan for their children. The role of the Resource Parent today is to help protect both children and their families as they work toward reunification or an alternative permanent plan if reunification is not possible.
Foster Parents are also often in a position to emotionally support parents who cannot do the job of parenting and must make a plan for adoption or another permanent plan for their children. The role of the Resource Parent today is to help protect both children and their families as they work toward reunification or another permanent plan if reunification is not possible.
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