Juana Aguilera
DCFS Office of Public Affairs
(213) 760-5883
Tomorrow, 158 children in foster care will have their adoptions finalized during a National Adoption Day virtual ceremony.
A pre-recorded virtual news conference begins at 8:15 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, followed by adoptions at 9 a.m. To view, visit:
“There are many children living in foster care waiting to find permanent, loving families,” Bobby D. Cagle, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), said.
“On National Adoption Day, these children will permanently become part of a loving family. When a child is adopted, they benefit from the stable and nurturing environment needed to become confident adults. By opening their hearts and their homes, adoptive parents change the lives of these children forever.”
The 22nd Annual National Adoption Day event offers an opportunity for child welfare agencies, local courts and communities to raise public awareness of adoption. The observance also aims to encourage those considering adoption to expand their families with a youth in foster care.
Event participants include DCFS Director Bobby Cagle; Judge Akemi Arakaki, presiding judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Juvenile Division; U.S. Congresswoman Karen Bass; Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis; Alliance for Children’s Rights President & CEO Jennifer L. Braun; and Public Counsel President & CEO Judge Margaret Morrow (ret.).
DCFS is one the largest public adoption agencies in the country. In 2020, 1,721 children in foster care were adopted. DCFS is committed to maintaining family connections by keeping siblings together, whenever possible, and placing children with relatives. Almost 60 percent of the adoptions being finalized are for siblings including 35 sets of two or more siblings.
Last year, more than 60 percent of DCFS’ finalized adoptions were relative adoptions. Currently, there are more than 600 children waiting to be connected with an adoptive family. View the National Adoption Day fact sheet here for local and national adoption statistics.
Judge Arakaki said the court delights in this annual celebration. The event is deliberately scheduled each year just before Thanksgiving to coincide with themes of gratitude and family unity.
“Though we are disappointed we are again unable to celebrate the creation of forever families in person due to the ongoing pandemic, the essence of National Adoption Day endures – to establish permanence and stability in the lives of children through the finalization of loving and lasting homes with adoptive parents,” she said.
National Adoption Day is a collaborative effort between DCFS, the court and pro bono attorneys with the Alliance for Children’s Rights and Public Counsel. Those interested in learning more about becoming a resource parent or adoption services may call 888-811-1121 or visit the DCFS website.